Recommendations For First Visit
- Do not eat for at least one hour before your session. Blood diverted to the digestive system will not be available for muscle detoxification. (Also, it will not be very comfortable to lie on your stomach if it feels full)
- Avoid alcohol for at least 24 hours as a massage tends to intesify any "hangover" like symptoms with circulatory massage. Alcohol also dehydrates muscle fibers making them less pliable for massage. You may want to refrain from caffiene as well.
- let the therapist know of any allergies you may have to scents, lotions or oils.
- Remove all jewelry and glasses. Contact lenses may also be a source of discomfort while laying face down on the massage table.
- you may undress to your comfort level. You will be draped with a sheet and the therapist will only uncover the portion of the body being worked on. If you are uncomfortable with being undressed, massage can be administered over clothing/covering.
- You will be comfortably positioned with pillows/bolsters to support the natural curves of your body.
- COMMUNICATION and FEEDBACK between the client and therapist are very important. Very important factors to convey with your therapist, pressure is TOO deep, or NOT enough, if you are TOO hot/cold, if an area feels overworked.
- The following may occur druing massage, these are normal responses to relaxation and massage modalities. Trust your body to express what it needs to do. For example, you may need to move or change position, your stomach may gurgle, your sinuses may begin to run, muscles may twitch or jump, you may experience movement in your intestines, you may fall asleep.
- You many feel slightly dizzy/disoriented when you stand up at the end of your session. This is natural after being deeply relaxed. Move slowly and rest a few minutes before getting of the table.
- Sessions can last up to one to one and a half hours with frequency being weekly or as often as 3 times a week.
- Massage is not intended as a "quick fix" for any problem. Progress will often depend on a client's willingness to follow through with correcting noticeable postural imbalances, self stretches as well as mind/body approach to over all wellness. Your therapist will go over a treatment plan once an initial evaluation has been completed.
- Drink plenty of water after your massage to keep muscles hydrated.